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It takes more than just training providers and nurses to truly normalize breastfeeding in a hospital community. To truly achieve culture change, a consistent message should be promoted and supported by all staff who help care for the mothers and babies in your institution. Coffective Ancillary Education videos accomplish this by offering the basics of breastfeeding support and promotion contributing to a seamless, coordinated approach and a powerful message. In addition, the content is customized, allowing learners to understand how they fit into the facility efforts to support breastfeeding and evidence-based practices.

Most new lactating mothers are prescribed medication in the first days to weeks postpartum. Often, safety information for lactating mothers is not accessed from lactation-specific sources, and unnecessary interruptions in breastfeeding are recommended. Why Breastfeeding for Pharmacy offers evidence-based guidance on how to access and apply pharmacologic principles and lactation-specific references to the service of lactating women.

Many new lactating mothers must undergo radiologic procedures that require contrast. Why Breastfeeding for Radiology puts forward the up-to-date recommendations on the safe use of radio-contrast agents in the lactating mother, discouraging interruption of breastfeeding in most cases.

Most pregnant women and new mothers interact with the anesthesia service during their birth admission. Further, many new lactating mothers must undergo procedures that require anesthesia sometime during their breastfeeding experience. Why Breastfeeding for Anesthesia reviews the lacto-pharmacology of common anesthetic and analgesic agents. Evidence-based recommendations for their use in lactating women are provided, emphasizing the importance of avoiding unnecessary interruption of breastfeeding. Further, the video encourages anesthesia’s participation in the promotion of skin-to-skin contact after C-section, both in the operating and recovery rooms.

Why Breastfeeding for Ancillary Departments presents a more general approach to breastfeeding promotion, leading with why all staff that interact with mothers and babies need to be aware and supportive of breastfeeding and current evidence-based practices. This general offering can be used for a wide range of stakeholders, from housekeeping in the birthing center to emergency room staff.